Saturday Scoop - Traveling
We are heading to Nashville in just a few days!! I've been pondering what to bring along for our long car trip. Here are a few ideas.
Magnetic letters (or numbers, animals, any kind of magnets) on a cookie sheet allow for exploration while keeping everything "stuck" and close at hand. You could also put magnets on the back of puzzle pieces (I usually buy a long roll, so I can cut the magnets in whatever length needed). It also doubles as a lap desk for writing and drawing (we always have paper and colored pencils with us, too!).
A bag of pipe cleaners can be twisted into all kinds of creations (Thanks for that idea, L.M.!).
A geoboard
or a simple board you've pounded nails into can be used with rubber bands to make designs.
Lacing cards that you've made yourself or purchased can be "sewn" while you are driving.
A few of my favorite purchased items are any sticker books from Usborne. The girls especially like the Sticker Dolly Dressing Books. I should disclose that I am actually a consultant for Usborne Books, but I really do think they have top notch books. I haven't been very active with it lately, but I still have a website!
Usborne also offers a leaning pallette and wrap-ups for learning basic alphabet/reading skills and math skills. These are good for traveling as well.
We also enjoy Highlights Hidden Pictures Sticker Fun magazines.
We usually take along a few big books with lots of stories in them. Our favorite is the 20th Century Children's Book Treasury.
Do you have any suggestions?!! I would love to try some new ideas this week!
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