Monday, August 15, 2011

The Amazing Mess: Posting Schedule Revamped

Recently, I started brainstorming and planning what I wanted the upcoming year to look like for this blog.  I've been feeling slightly overwhelmed because I have three girls doing three different themes!  To make life a little easier, I'm going to incorporate the younger two into what I'm doing with my oldest.

Because of that, I'm going to focus less on thematic activities and more on basic preschool ideas.  Below is the monthly calendar I've planned out:

If you've been around here any length of time, you realize I don't always follow a schedule -- because sometimes inspiration hits and I just go with it!  But for my own sanity's sake, this is where we are headed!

Here's a quick look at each day:

Masterpiece Monday:  A book and activity about a specific artist.

Book Basket:  A look at some of our favorite books!

Musical Monday:  An easy musical activity.

Servant Heart:  A simple service project you can do together.

Learning Bag:  A self-directed learning activity you store in a bag!  I'll include directions for a new one each month.

Tasty Tuesday:  A simple cooking project for kids.

5-Minute Filler:  A quick activity to use when you have five minutes (or less).

Make-and-Do:  A retro craft from my favorite childhood activity book.

Preschool Basics:  One idea per month -- names, colors, letters, shapes, numbers, etc.

Saturday Savings:  One of the best deals I've seen during the week.

There will be days I have to do reviews or something comes up and I need to change, of course.  But hopefully, this will give you (and me) a little better idea about what to expect!

We are in the middle of the month, so you won't start seeing all the changes until September!  I hope you'll stick with me while I get it all worked out!!  Thanks for reading this blog...and always feel free to email me with your ideas.  If there is something you'd like to see, I'd be more than happy to consider how to make it happen! 

And don't forget, you can still find activities categorized by theme (just scroll down and look in the right sidebar) or search for a particular theme or activity!


Blogger Prairie Cate said...

Looks great! xxo

August 18, 2011 at 8:51 AM  

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