Sunday, May 9, 2010

Bible Journals

During our Bible study time in the morning, we start with our "Bible Journals".  Each girl picks a story to "read" from their Bibles, and then they illustrate and write what they have learned from the story.  Even my two year old has picked up the idea (not perfectly, of course!).  My idea with this it to train them in some very simple Bible study and quiet time skills.  This also allows me to have a short time with the Lord before we start our morning (Yes, I admit it.  I am not a morning person -- not at all!  The girls are early risers, so I don't usually get my longer quiet time in until later in the day).  For us, it is a great way to start the day quietly and focused.  If we miss it, things don't seem to go quite as smoothly!

Our Bible Journals are just construction paper with copy paper stapled in between.  I have also used lined notebooks (like the ones you can get very inexpensively before school begins).  They work fine (my girls just draw over the lines), but I prefer plain paper.



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